July 5, 2005: Think about peace
It was exactly 60 years ago that Japan was defeated in World War 2 in 1945. We have a regular meeting to think about peace every year.
This time, we intended to think about peace around us.
We had three preparation meetings. The most important thing should be to reconfirm the fact of the war through the testimony. Then we discussed about what we could do now.
We have some members in charge to collect our thinking. The leader of the charge reported about the activity and asked us for cooperation.
The next session was "To review the group meeting."
The general leader appealed the importance of good cooperation.
Daycare room on the second floor.
After the meeting, we had a regular lunch time.
Today's menu
 Yogurt bread
 Pumpkin soup
Sauteed pork
Potato and fresh vegetable
 Kiwi jelly
Samples of plain cakes for afternoon break.
Walnut dumpling needs more improvement.
Next time, we will learn about how to make sweet paste.
Slogans on family budget keeping.
Two candidates will be sent to National Group Of Friends in Tokyo.
Checking the slogans.
2005 July meeting

      Charge: Munakata group report by Nyuu
Theme "Think about peace"
Hymn #420
Reading: "War and Peace" - Letters to friends -

Impression: General leader, charge group, member of executive committee of "Clean up campaign of Oita City"
Contents: On Kyushu block
Attendant, working group, on snack
Leader report
From working groups
Actual work group report
Lunch group
Snack check
Family budget slogan

Day care: Saiki group
Lunch: Houfu group
Sales: Akeno and Kujuu groups
Record: Attendant 40
Daycare: 3 kids,1 charge
Piture and report byNagano
------------------------- 永野建一 ken2@oct-net.ne.jp -------------------------