June 21, 2003: The second day
Today is the second day of the open house. The weather smiles at us just like yesterday.
We shared the working in the morning like this, new flower setting.
In the entrance hall the history of Oita Group of Friends(GOF) is displayed on the wall.
"How we walked up for 70 years", the papers tell the history. Another paper shows the result of this year's study "How to decrease the amount of CO2 - by cutting down 5 % of lightning and heating energy usage in home."
Females' Friends magazine introduction panel is displayed like this. The 100th anniversary's commemorative books are arranged as well.
A lovely woolen doll sales the book.
Book shoo in the hall.
Tea and snack preparation is very hard.
Tea and snack service group.
Hand made lovely cloth toys sell well here.
Cooking materials are also on sale.
The products from Bangladesh women are for sale.
On the second floor is the surplus or used goods sales.
In the daycare room, kids are playing pleasantly.
We had a morning meeting at 10:00 a.m.
to be continued