September 18-20, 2002: Kyushu block meeting in Nagasaki
A meeting of Group of Friends of Kyushu block will be held in Nagasaki from tomorrow. I got on a train early in the morning at Oita station.
I have arrived Nagasaki railroad station for the first time in many years. The station building was refreshed beautifully with stained glass windows of view points such as Megane-Bridge, Port, and Dejima.
Nagasaki is a town of slopes. The taxi climbed up steep slopes and brought me to the hotel in which the meeting is to be held. The gentle slope of Inasa Hill is on the right and Nagasaki port is just under my eyes.
September 19 morning many members of Nagasaki branch gathered at the hotel for preparation.
The members in Kyushu block have showed up in twos and threes.

The main theme of the meeting is
"By commemorating the 100th anniversary of Females' Friend magazine, let's create individual new life based upon our self-knowledge in order to give a new power to Group of Friends."
Autumnal wild flowers are beautifully arranged in the hall. Many items are displayed with the theme of "Kids."

All the blocks on Kyushu Island put their Friendship sales products on show.
The first day program
Worship: "The truth shines", from the works of Motoko Hani
Impressions of the first term, reported by general leaders of the blocks
On the membership number
On making use of Females' Friend Magazine
Kid rearing and others

The chart reports on the number of the member and the reasons to join the group.
Over 100 attendants from 20 blocks discuss eagerly on many themes.
The dinner was famous "Shippoku Dishes" of Nagasaki. It was too beautiful to eat up soon.
Mouse-over the picture to see other dishes.
The second day program
Worship: From "Father's love"
The first term activities of the blocks
Think about housekeeping and family budget
Talking like families

Many good charts were used for presentations.
We could get the new power from today by attending two-day meeting this time. (Reported by: Nagano