
May 14, 2001: May study class

Hymn #301
:Captivity-free life (from the Founder's selection)
Contents  Family budget studyHow to record savings etc. 
Food study
Preparation for Lecture meeting by Ms. Motoya
On the lecture, Sales status of the ticket, posters, and various preparation items.
Clothing study
Starching and ironing

From left, Nyu (family budget), Matoba and Shiotsuki (Life), and Iwahashi (general leader.)    

We studied how to keep record on savings correctly, which was requested from many members.

When money moves on the checkbook at a specific date, it should be recorded immediately so as to clarify the deposit or withdrawal. The correct grasp of the sum shows the detailed movement of money of a home.
Araki explains how to prepare for the Lecture meeting.

She hopes to display some items such as standing herb oil, all-the-purpose-vinegar containing kelps, and a dish that uses them.

Whenever you have a bit of time, you can cook one kilogram of ground meet and freeze it. Under preparation of onion such as peeling off the skin and roasted chopping are also save your time. "Time saving" ideas will be displayed on the Lecture.
Takeda brought-in much amount of herb taken from her garden. Some members shared it back home to make herb oil.
Ms. Motoya will give her lecture by using many slide films. We checked them in advance.
Takeuchi appealed to promote the ticket sales.
Takahashi showed a newly designed poster. I brought a piece of it back home to attach on the wall.
The theme of the home keeping calendar of May is "starching." We discussed it today.

Matoba demonstrates how to starch the cloth correctly.
She actually starches a shirt with the weight of about 200 grams. One large cup of CMC will be diluted with 200 cc water to make the solution. First, collar and cuff must be starched firmly and carefully.
The 200 dilution is quickly absorbed by the shirt. The shirt is then dehydrated for about 15 seconds. Careful tapping will stretch the wrinkles before drying on hanger.
After the shirt dried perfectly, 50 grams of water will be sprayed on the 200-gram shirt on the table covered with a vinyl sheet.
The moisture shirt will then be folded neatly and wrapped cylindrically with the vinyl sheet and left for about four hours.
Watanabe irons the shirt. First, the ironing pad is carefully ironed in order to remove the wrinkles.
The iron pad is made of four-time folded wool blanket and a white cotton cover on it.

The pad is strong enough for scorch and has good elasticity. The size is such like the full breadth of a shirt back or the full length of pants to allow smooth ironing.
The ironing starts from the cuff, 7 to back and 3 to surface in ratio. Next part is sleeve, followed by neck and yoke.
The final parts are back and front bodies. Well the shirt was beautifully ironed and hang for a while for air before the folding. We referred to a book titled "The knack of washing" on sale from Female's Friend Publisher.
A sheet of paper on the wall asks us "What did you do in your home in the morning before you came here?"

What are included in your morning work? Did you clean the breakfast dishes, wipe and store them, kitchen towel washing and drying. Did you clean your kitchen table, gas range, and kitchen garbage? Did you clean your house including the entrance hall, toilet, washroom, and living rooms? Did you hang your washings for drying?

All the attendants today affixed seals on the checklist.
Today's study was over after all. The number of the attendants today was 22 members, three guests, and four kids. All of us studied much. After taking a pleasant lunch, we studied an extra item of making bread.
Shiotsuki always prepares savory bread on regular friendship sales sponsored by Oita Group of Friends. She lectures today how to make it.
Today's bread is "rich." The blending ratio of the ingredients should be remembered in weight percentage, she recommends.
Strong flour of 200 gram is kneaded with hand.

You should pay attention not to making time, but to what extent of the kneading. This is the key of the making, she said.
The dough was prepared in advance. We make round and spindle-shaped bread today.

After leaving for 20 minutes for mature on the table, they are set on the baking pan.

The raw bread is then fermented in the oven. A cup of hot water will give good moisture for making savory bread.
The round bread has fermented. Egg yolk is coated gently on the surface of the dough to give the shining after baking.
Well, the product has browned up like this. We soon tasted it and found the great flavor of the homemade and just-out-of-oven bread.

I will soon practice at home what I learned today.

I have learned so much today, thank you.
Reported by Nagano
Oita COARA   Tenjin COARA  Mie Home  Group of Friends Oita Branch