
March 6, 2001: The final regular meeting of the fiscal year
Today, we have a regular meeting of March, the final month of the fiscal year. Ms. Taketa, who is in charge of the meeting, is from Munakata Group. She writes today's program on the board.
In the kitchen, the members of Sakanoichi are working hard for today's lunch.
At the entrance of the House is a roll book, each attendant checks on it by herself.
A large list that views through the activities in the year is attached on the front wall. The major events are grouped in colors; red for official events of Oita Group of Friends, violet for Life Study Group, blue for Children's Group, and green for Senior Group.
March regular meeting
Hymn #354
Reading from the Founder's writings
Impression: by General leader, Munakata Group, and Ms. Ono in charge of the day.

Ms. Matoba, the General leader, introduced her impression of the activities throughout the year by using the list. She viewed back that in the preparation for the 70th anniversarythe 70th anniversary of the National Group of Friends, she learned much about the importance of the cooperation and actual work. She also referred to many topics such as the theme of Life Exhibition "The most natural life", what our life should be improved, breeding good habits in home, the change of the number of our Oita Branch that ended up with some withdrawers but welcoming six young newcomers.
Today, two newcomers were introduced: Ms. Hirota in February and Ms. Gotoh in March entry. We have a withdrawer, however. Ms. Tatsumi of Sakanoichi Group says good-bye because she will leave to Osaka according to her husband's transfer.
Many people view back the year and made comments.

First, Ms. Anan, the leader of Life group, looks back the life study activities. The group's targets were Life Exhibition in the first term, Family budget Course in the second term, and deepening of the study results in the third term. She stressed that each of us should improve oneself much more.
Next, Ms. Watanabe, the leader of Family budget group, reported on the status of Oita Group's account keeping by using diagrams.
The number of the account recording by generation is indicated on the diagram; green as perfect record and yellow as imperfect recording.
She stressed that keeping a family budget should be gotten into habit in young days in order to cope with the coming peak of the education cost. Keeping household account should become a part of daily life, because it will indicate us, which way we should go. We hope we have to study more through the activities of Group of Friends.
Ms. Nishinaka and Ms. Hara, the leaders of the groups, look back the year.
Ms. Shiotsuki of joint purchase and Ms. Inoue of monthly report publication also viewed back their activities. Ms. Shiotsuki, center, reported that when the activity of Oita Branch was booming, the amount of purchasing material increased and she hoped to improve the procurement schedule.
Ms. Itonaga, the leader of Senior group, also looked back the year. She referred how the group cooperated in making a tapestry for the 70th anniversary Life Exhibition. She then introduced cushion covers she made. She ended up her talk with a comment that after 67 year history of Oita Branch, the House should hopefully be rebuilt on barrier-free design for senior members' activities.
Ms. Yasuda, a newcomer, took over the speech and introduced her fresh impression on the Group.
Public affairs group reported as well.
The Membership group reported that today's attendant number was 33, or 43% and the average attendant number throughout the year was 32, or 42%. The perfect attendance number was ten (Takahashi, Fujiwara, Itonaga, Matoba, Tanaka, Anan, Iwahashi, Nyuu, Yamada, and Aramaki.)

Thanks to the eager activities of the members in charge for past one year, a book was presented respectively.
In the end, Ms. Watanabe expressed our thanks to Ms. Matoba who was in charge of general leader of Oita Branch for past one year. A large bouquet of sweet pea and rape flower was given to Matoba.
We really appreciate you, Ms. Matoba.

(Child care six by three members in charge.)
Today's lunch prepared by Sakanoichi group.
Ohmi rice, pork soup, spinach and rape flower pickled in mustard, and tea-flavored sweet jellied paste. 、

In the afternoon, a view meeting and checking of the monthly report were held in the childcare corner. In the hall, we prepared for a coming Friendship Sales on March 9 (Friday.) Reported by Nagano