
January 16, 2001: Rehearsal for the cooking class
We will have a cooking class for "Easy Treatment" on January 31 in Oita Branch.

Today, we have a rehearsal for it. Actual dishes are prepared according to the menu. First, Ms. Takeuchi cooked red rice.

Then, Ms. Ihara demonstrate how to prepare stock which is the base of all cooking.
Ms. Tanaka and Ms. Watanabe joined all the way from the Life Group. They gave us appropriate comments in good timings. We could learn much from them.
We change the positions between the back stage works and demonstration. From left, Takeuchi, Aso, and Kawano.
Smooth and efficient skills are required to cook smartly.
Ms. Kawano now demonstrates how to prepare Uguisu (bush warbler) dumpling, or olive green cake. Wheat and sugar are solved into water, heated in a microwave oven, and mixed carefully. Hot skin envelops the sweet ingredient for shaping the dumpling. Before we know, such lovely dumplings were completed.
We dished them up beautifully worthy of the name "Treatment." On the left is a sample on a half-moon dish and on the right is a lunch box called Shoukadou style.
The rehearsal was over and we tasted all the samples today.

What will the dishes be evaluated?

We reviewed the dish and talked how to improve them. We have prepare more for appealing the guests.

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