
November 7, 2000: Regular meeting; just before the Course
We had a regular meeting just before the Course.
The reading was "Where we live - infant's heart."
Hofu Group was in charge of the reading.
Housekeeping and Family Budget Course will be held on November 16th at Teddy Bear Hall and at municipal Compal Hall on 21st. Ms. Takahashi rehearsed "Lunch box is best, after all" and Ms. Hara did it as "Kids' life after coming back home." Ms. Anan used some panels of July Exhibition to review and discuss the busy lives of children after coming back home.
On December 8, we will have a "Friendship sales." Ms. Ono, the sales leader, checks the program table and calls at members to contribute articles to the sales.
This is a Friendship sales of the last year.
Today's lunch duty was our Senior Group. The group member gathered at the House at 8:30 a.m. for the preparation.
Today, we will cook Inari-Sushi dish we learned at last month's meeting. We re-heated deep fried tofu cooked yesterday. The vinegar Sushi rice has been boiled up beautifully. The Sushi rice is taken 50 grams each and packed into a deep fried tofu crust. We made 100 pieces of Sushi this time.
It was a big work to make total 30 dishes filled with Sushi.
Boiled-down vegetables we cooked yesterday are dished up as well. The vegetables look like to have deep taste.
Each Mitsuba (an umbelliferous plant resembling stone parsley, used in cooking for its aroma) is tied respectively and added into the clear soup.
This is a set for one. The dessert, on top, is pink-colored "Autumnal cherry of sweet jellied adzuki-bean paste." On the Sushi dish are Sushi, sliced pink ginger, spinach marinated with Kabosu citrus, and sweet boiled black beans.

Those members cooked the dish today, picture by Mie.
The dish was very beautiful in looking and the taste was great as well, all the members were enjoying the lunch.
In the afternoon, we resumed the preparation for the Course. This group polished up the manuscript.
On this table, the leaflets to be distributed to the visitor are carefully checked and stapled.
Ms. Ishibashi will explain about an actual family budget of her family. She explains the contents in detail.
The day-care group is preparing for the day as well.
In the kitchen, a lot of tasty soup after cooking the deep fried tofu was left behind. We decided to use them in boiling dried-tofu. This is the boiled product of dried-tofu. As we are very busy in preparation of the Course, the product was very helpful for dinner in home.

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