September 11,2008:Mothers having kids day
We had a "Mothers having kids day" on September 11.
The number of the attendant was kid 4,mother 4, guest 1, carer 2, and committee 4.

We exchanged the information on recent state of the kids and impression of the reading books. All the attendants enjoyed the lunch box around 11:30.
I July we checked the food and today we brought in the actual foods.

Two plates in front were the actual sample for two-year old kid.
Two-year old boy food sample.

Green vegetables are hard to eat. Fish meat should be taken properly. We discussed much about it.
Food sample menus were displayed on the wall for further discussion.
The menu was almost same.

We decided to increase the amount of vegetables and confirmed that we would bring in one vegetable dish next time for study.
Lovely pajamas sample. We learned how to make it.

We had a good time today by discussing young mothers.

Mothers having kids meeting10:00-13:00


Kids food, mother is not a nurse-from "Home education: volume 1 -

Clean up the toys

From the checking of the kids life and food"What we learned?
What is troubling now.
Think about the variety of kid's food.?

On daycare of the kid in family account study class.