August 28,2006:Joint meeting

We had a joint meeting of Wasada and Kujyuu today.
In Wasada district, we could see the growing of orange and bitter gourd.
We visited the site in Kujyu highland.
After the regular reading,we talked about regular meeting duty. The lunch was great.

In the afternoon, we discussed what items should be sold at Friendship Sale. The result was to make lovely Christmas tree.

The dessert was good yogurt.
The garden was rich of nature.
Beautiful flowers and lovely pets were here and there.
Chickens frightened us from the tall tree.
What was surprising more was that a baby raccoon dog came to pick the food together with cats and dogs. Ten baby raccoon dogs show up everyday, the master smiled.
On our way back, we dropped in at "Water Station Ozduru."
The cool fresh water spouted up unexpectedly when people were boring the ground for hot spring. The amount of the fountain is about five tons per minute from the depth of 50 meters.
We took back many bottle filled with fresh water.
I soon made blueberry jam I picked at my friend's garden.