December 9, 2005: Friendship Sale
A cold wave suddenly hit Oita area, but we had a rather mild day today with bright sunlight.
We had a "Friendship Sale" today at our GOF(Group Of Friends) house.
At nine in the morning, we had a short meeting. Sales leader and actual working group leader made a few comments in the beginning.
Today's goods were homemade bread, cookie, apron, toy, and others.
Home-grown flower vase was set at the entrance hall.
Each stand was quickly set up.
Lovely cloth toys awaited the guests. We put some Christmas trees as well.
Finger puppet bags and "compare heights" toys would attract many kids each year.
So many foods were on display, including bread,rice,citrus fruits, dried persimmons,jams, and agricultural products.
Book stand of Females' Friends publisher. Account books for the next year were piled up on the desk.
Our familiar materials for cookies and dried foods were beautifully arranged as well.
Surplus items and used cloths were displayed on the second floor.
The house was opened at 11 in the morning. So many guests visited the house without a break until the close at 2:00 p.m.
In the snack corner, we served dried curry rice, ram cake, and tea. On the partition board were many diagrams and charts showing our usual activities.
Today's sale was ended at 14:00. We checked the result and cleaned up the house. The sale was over at 16:00.

The Friendship Sale is regularly held in this season in order to appeal our daily activities and expand the circle of the friendship. We hope to brush up it much more.
December 9(Fri.) 11:00-13:00
Will be closed at sold out
Place: Oita GOF house
smock apron,cloth book,toy,others

report by Nagano