April 19, 2005: The 70th anniversary publishing

Oita GOF cerebrated the 70th anniversary by publishing a commemorative book.
Old records were gathered from the member homes.

The preparation started in 2003 and it was published in 2005 at last.
Mr. Fujio of Sourin Publisher helped us much.

Many old records came from each member including the foundation documents and contribution from the friends who left Oita GOF.
The history of Oita GOF, the record of the organization, and the transition of the number of the members were included in the book in detail.
The cover was made by Ms. Nyu with her excellent title lettering.
This was chosen from many draft designs.

The book arrived from the publisher at last.
Those members who were involved in the publishing work were moved deeply.

The books were soon sent out to the members who contributed to the book.

In a cherry blossom season, the cherry-colored cover book was completed.
The color was matched to the outer wall of newly built GOF house. The building was constructed last year in commemoration of the 70th anniversary as well.
Through the looking back of our history, we could feel something warm of the predecessors.
Commemorative publication leader: Nobuko Inoue
Editors: Masako Kuroiwa, Noriko Takeuchi, Keiko Tanaka, Mieko Nagano, Noriko Nishinaka, Miyoko Nyu