NOvember 19, 2004: FBSC at Oita GOF house
We had a FBSC today at GOF house. It was a beautiful day.
The members gathered at nine in the morning and set at each position.
Autumnal flowers were beautifully decorated here and there.
The guests will soon come.
The book stand is busy for the finish up the site. The cooking table was turned to an instant book sale table.
GOF corner at the entrance with the tapestry of "Ryouzen and Oita River" made in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of our branch.
All were set up to welcome the guests.
The day-care room was on the second floor.
Day-care reception table.
The class started at ten in the morning.
Many guests were listening eagerly to the reports.
Day-care room.
Snack time for the kids.
The class was over. The guests were interested in the exhibition and asked many questions to the staff.
The book stand was crowded as well.
Cleaning up after the class.
Many tables were set on the wall for tomorrow.

The 3rd class will be held tomorrow.