November 15, 2003: FBSC at Oita GOF house
This April, our GOF had a new house. It will open the first FBCS today.

Today is Saturday. We hope working women will join us. The class starts at 13:30.
As the site is our home ground, we had enough time and prepared completely.
Autumnal flower vases are here and there to welcome the guests.
A tapestry was on the entrance hall. It was designed and exhibited to cerebrate the 100th anniversary of Females Friends magazine.
On the island kitchen has turned to book sales stand. Many books wait for the guests.
At 12:30, we had a rehearsal. The door will open at 13:10. All items should be set up before it.
At 13:00, all was set up. In the parking lot, one of our members is busily controling the traffic.
The large hall was filled up with many guests soon. At 13:30, the general leader opened the class with a few words. Yasuda makes the presentation that appeals the importance of food life.
The guests try to create food budget respectively. Our members help them properly.
A young guest told that "I need additional lunch expense for my husband's eat out. I must be much more careful to purchase food"
Day care room is on the second floor. Kids sit properly and enjoy snacks
A large sum-up table on the wall shows a budget sample made by Muneoka. On the ceiling is a rail to hang down such tables.
After the presentation, Yasuda and Muneoka help the day care.

Muneoka's "Apron theater" attracted kids’ attention with great interest.
The FBSC was over successfully. The guests look around the book stand and many exhibitions with exchanging their impressions today.
At the entrance hall is an exhibition booth that displays some goods to be sold at Friendship Sales on December 5.
Computer using account book is on the demonstration at the north window corner.
Those dishes are the samples to be taken by a housewife a day. Spare dishes are very useful when busy.
The FBSC was over with success. After seeing off the last guest, we took a short break.
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Reported by Nagano