November 1, 2002 The first rehearsal
In the ready-to-move Group of Friends' House, the first rehearsal of Family Budget Class was held today.

A local paper reporter came to cover it.
A member shows the greens which were picked up from her kitchen garden, saying she can get today's necessity. She also appeals how she keeps many kinds of stand-by foods in the bins to be stocked in the refrigerator.
Many attendants are eager to learn something from the lectures. Useful discussions are held as well.
Actual samples of "One day food for a housewife."
Lunch boxes for kids, junior high school and high school students, and seniors.

Some gave comments that the lunch box for the kids should be more colorful if possible.
Stand-by foods for the lunch boxes were demonstrated as well. More dishes will be good for health.
Many stand-by foods in the glass bins.
The bins are of recycled bins, but the lids should be of white color, some commented.
The practical group of the day reported how they prepared for today.

Much more guests are welcomed.
Reported by:Nagano
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