
September 18, 2001: Family budget class starts soon
We gathered at Oita Group of Friends' House at 9:20 a.m. for cleaning up the house and around.

The beautiful weather reminds us of the return of hot summer.
September study class started at 10:10 a.m.

First, we affix seals on the morning-work table and checked how much we could carry out the work.
Today's Program

Hymn #310
Reading: "Start and target of family budget" (from the text: Family Budget)


- Check the settlement of August accounts
- From summer work table
- Checking of emergency bags
Two small kids joined the class together with their mothers.
Annual budget and eight-month settlement was checked each other on large pieces of paper. Today, 15 members reported the actual status and we discussed them.

This is the start point of the Family Budget Class Meeting to be held in November.
"Before carrying out the summer work schedule, we carefully checked the end point of the morning work and start time of the evening housekeeping", Kasuga group reported.
They reported that careful time sharing makes more effective use of residual time.
A sheet of Oita Group of friends' summer work schedule shows detailed time sharing of the items such as getting-up, eating, sleeping, cooking, and family budget keeping.
Our September target is to check the emergency bag. We have learned from Hanshin Earthquake what items should be included in the bag. I exhibited the items in my bag. We have convenient items recently: the blue round bag is a compressed-towel set. Long sleeve T-shirt can be pressed compact, they say. A big disaster, simultaneous terrorist attack, took place just recently in the USA. We must prepare the emergency goods.
Small committee in the afternoon

We reviewed today's meeting and discussed how to prepare for the Meeting. We also checked the papers to be reported on the Kyushu block meeting in September 20-21 in Kitakyushu City.
A large, easy-to-read table was prepared as well.

In the block meeting, we will learn each other and confirm what subject should be checked carefully.

I hope the meeting will be fruitful for us.
Family Budget Class Meeting sponsored by Oita Group of Friends
November 16 (Fri) Compal Hall 4F, Art room
November 17 (Sat) Compal Hall 3F, main conference room
Reported by:Nagano