
February 7, 2001: Apron sewing class
Today, I joined an extra sewing class sponsored by Oita Group of Friends to make aprons. We reconfirmed many checkpoints in sewing up the aprons for daily use.

First, we learned how to cut the cloth efficiently to make sleeved aprons. Ms. Tanaka lectures how to cut the cloth in the least amount to produce two pieces of aprons.
There are some knacks in sewing arm cover for bib aprons.
We show the arm covers each other to learn the knacks.
We will make them actually by cutting the paper patterns.

On the paper patterns must be marked with sewing margins.
This is a sample of the finished product of the bib apron we learn today. Ms. Iwahashi made it and Ms. Nyuu fits it.
Care points are neatly explained by sewing actual aprons.
How to attach shoulder belts on the bib apron is a part of knacks.
Careful cutting by using paper pattern, tacking in points, one ironing on each work, neat threading, and time scheduling are the keys to produce good aprons. We have learned much today from Ms. Iwahashi and made up our minds to pay much more attentions in sewing.
Triangular cap, a must in making cookies, is the next theme. It looks just like a puzzle at a glance, but it can be sewn quite easily after we learn the checking points.
Ishihashi and Matoba try the product for checking the size.
In the afternoon, some people started to sew their aprons.

Not only looking the demonstration, but also actual sewing is needed to master the making.
In the living group, we will make some products we have learned today and demonstrate them on living study class on February 20 (Reported by Mieko Nagano.)