
November 15, 2000: The Course starts tomorrow
At last, the Housekeeping and Family Budget Course starts tomorrow at Teddy Bear Hall annexed to Mrs. Kumagai's house.

We had the final touch-up meeting today at our Group Of Friends (GOF) house.

Here are tables to be used in a presentation "Lunch box, after all." The left table tells many useful hints for well-balanced kinds and amounts of meals in the morning, noon, and evening. On the right is a table that illustrates helpful standing foods in the refrigerator.

Mrs. Ishihashi completed her first family budget like this. Pointing must be synchronized completely with the explanation of the presentator.

Detailed items are written on an in-hand memo.
The final draw up of the table requires painstaking checks such as erasing traces of draft pencil lines and filling necessary items.
Leaflets to be distributed at the reception table and items to be set up on the wall are put together in the room.

The final check of the tables was over.

Day care goods such as toys and tableware are also ready to be packed.
Before four o'clock, two bans headed to the site. The site will be cleaned up and set ready for tomorrow.

Well, we hope many guests will join us tomorrow.

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